Restoring the Forests of Ireland

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Ireland blog header

As many of you are probably now well aware, Indigo Ink plants trees across the world through our partnership with PrintReleaf in an effort to offset our clients’ paper usage (read more about that program here). As a geography nerd (and former professional geographer), one aspect of the program that is particularly fun for me… Read more »

IndigoEdge Series: Virtual Learning about Production Techniques

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IndigoEdge Series

At Indigo Ink, we’re a curious group of print enthusiasts who always love learning new things… and we had a hunch that our clients, collaborators, and creative cohorts were the same, too. We’ve recently launched a webinar series focused on giving you bite-sized, practical, hands-on production knowledge from the comfort of your desk. Over the… Read more »

Banding Together to Reduce Plastic Waste

Posted by & filed under Eco-Conscious Printing, News.


After much anticipation here at Indigo, the paper banding machine has arrived! It may not sound (or look) like much, but this is going to save us a lot of time and plastic. The journey to finding this handy little machine started this past summer.  My cousin, Maryann, was undergoing a personal effort to reduce… Read more »